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A masculine fit

Manhood is a highly contested subject, provoking strong feelings and, as below, irrational and bizarre responses. On another website, I made a comment in favor of gay men claiming their natural masculinity and seeking common ground with all other men, which means straight men, too.

A responder angrily rejected any connection between homo and hetero men, citing recent studies showing brain scans, etc. comparing women and gay men vs straight men. I responded that this means gay men are really women in male bodies. Another anonymous commenter jumped in as follows: My responses are in italics.

Queer men are not women.We have penises and a male sex drive.But we are not heterosexual men either we have the brain symmetry and emotional hardwiring of women.

Male body on the outside, high sex drive, female brain and emotions. Isn't that what I said?

We are simply gay men, we can act as "straight" as we want but masculinity is a social construct

Calling something "a social construct" apparently means that it's just an act or a put-on or a party game. People use it to avoid dealing with things that make them anxious. I wonder what kind of human behavior isn't "a social construct"?

and why do we want to ape heterosexuality which has proved such a selfish and destructive force.

Heterosexuality as selfish and destructive..hmmmm...and homosexuality is...generous and creative? And the back-story here is that heterosexual men are selfish and destructive. Straight men as the enemy of gays and women. As well, for a gay man to develop his natural masculinity gets called "aping".

I think people think embracing our true selves is what we should do

True enough. But what does that mean? Our true selves are the goal of many great spiritual and psychological paths...achieved through great effort. It's far too easy to identify your true self with your currently neurotic persona that you are comfortable with. Should a teenager mumble, shuffle and walk stoop-shoulderedly because it's his "true self?" Or should he grow up and walk and talk like a man?

and if that is unpatriotic and unamerican so what.

Hello? Interesting provocation here.

You yanks amuse me trying to be accepted in christain churches where the bible explicitly forbids homosexuality.

So Mr True Gay Self dislikes Americans. And he has a problem with gays who are Christian.

Oh but i forgot im a top and dont take it in the ass so im a "real man"

The sarcasm continues. Very manly.

thank god for that coz im just so manly and like to kill foreigners.

So this fella plays the bitchy game further, making being manly and "killing foreigners" equivalent. Well, in actual fact, that can be part of it. Human history is largely a history of war. Mr True Gay Self may wish to ascend nobly above that fray, but it's a fact. Somehow for him, killing foreigners bears a special kind of opprobrium? Is it better kill your fellow countrymen and women?

Maybe if im lucky the hard right of the republicans will accept me if I show them what a real man I am.But I love a hard cock in my mouth ....whisper.

I guess that Mr True Gay Self's idea of masculinity belongs entirely to "hard right"--never sure what that means--, Republican, murderous, Americans who are exclusive tops.

Well, he's partly right, I guess. Take a Navy Seal. Certainly someone who has a claim to manhood, if anyone does. Regardless of party affiliation or sexual position. Mr True Gay Self's problem --or a little part of it-- is that he takes a caricature of an actual man and because he does not match it, bitchily belittles it and proclaims his failure even to engage the issue as some kind of superior status.

The defense of devaluation. Real original.

One of the remarks often made about the female brain and emotional system is that it has a preference for feeling-based responses rather than responses based on fact or rational thought. If Mr True Gay Self, with his masculine outside and feminine inside, supports that view.

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