Manhood is a highly contested subject, provoking strong feelings and, as below, irrational and bizarre responses. On another website, I made a comment in favor of gay men claiming their natural masculinity and seeking common ground with all other men, which means straight men, too. A responder angrily rejected any connection between homo and hetero men, citing recent studies showing brain scans, etc. comparing women and gay men vs straight men. I responded that this means gay men are really women in male bodies. Another anonymous commenter jumped in as follows: My responses are in italics. Queer men are not women.We have penises and a male sex drive.But we are not heterosexual men either we have the brain symmetry and emotional hardwiring of women. Male body on the outside, high sex drive, female brain and emotions. Isn't that what I said? We are simply gay men, we can act as "straight" as we want but masculinity is a social construct Calling something ...
a therapist blogs about men and men's souls