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Showing posts from December, 2014

Hard truth

Although it's a merely human endeavor and therefore limited, therapy is about finding the truth. Here's some blunt opinion about a social and political movement that has achieved enormous power and has been seriously damaging to men : feminism. You may wonder why feminists never stop writing about rape. The answer is simple: Minus rape, feminism stands exposed as a trivial lists of complaints -- women not "empowered" enough in TV shows, Liz Lemon selling out the sisterhood on 30 Rock , Negative Body Image You Guys in the media, etc. Minus rape, feminism is rather too obviously a list of trivial complaints by comfortable yet hysterical semi-affluent white women. So they always are struggling to bring rape up as a topic, because it's obviously more serious than the six millionth whine that Men Expect Too Much Regarding Make-Up and Beauty Myth You Guys. And that's it. It's the "serious" veneer slapped upon a very silly and trivial channeling of ...

The Attack on Male Space

Dr. Helen The UVA Rape Case and the Fight for Male Space : Men need spaces and times to be with one another, without the presence of women. All cultures provide this and it is essential to the health of the men in a society. Ours is perhaps the first society in history to launch a totalitarian attack on men through eliminating our male spaces. 'via Blog this'