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Showing posts from January, 2014

Why Androtherapy?

Why do men need a kind of counseling that assumes from the get-go, that their maleness is not a problem? Recent study shows that over 70% of doctorates in psychology are taken by women. What does that tell you? ---

Gender benders

It's astonishing how many men buy the line, now dominant in our assumedly-feminist culture, that men are basically a problem , even the problem. Do they think that by trying to placate people who basically despise them, that they will somehow escape the general judgment? Men who feel like outsiders in their own culture are not imagining it. ---

As it was in the beginning

If you have the time and like to read, Mark Twain's extracts from The Private Diaries of Adam and Eve are terrific outlines of the differences between men and women. And very funny. --