for therapists: Doing Psychotherapy With Men. Its Australian author, John Ashfield, confronts the damage that men suffer under the feminist assumptions that drive contemporary therapy. Shockingly, he takes the counter-cultural stance that gender is inescapably driven by biology. What a concept. Feminists complained that traditional psychology saw them simply as defective males. The tables have now entirely turned and the fundamental attitude toward men in the psychological world is that they are not feminine enough. Ashfield makes a useful point, that in order to do ethical therapy with males, they must be given as much attention and permission to be themselves as men as is now de rigueur for groups such as women, gays and Blacks. "Cultural competence" and "gender sensitivity" are required of therapists in those privileged contexts. But there is no demand at all that they educate themselves in order to treat men and still Do No Harm. ---